I recently took up learning Go. While trying to find something to rewrite I go, I noticed at work that we had a poller running in ruby that would take messages out of a SQS queue and pass them along to another server.
This small project seemed like the best thing to rewrite. It is a considerably small service and I was able to map out everything in about 2 hours.
What I ended up with was go-sqs-poller. It's rather simple, and just polls a SQS and when a message it received, just hands it off to a handler function.
It couldn't be simpler to setup and run as well
package main
import (
var (
aws_access_key string
aws_secret_key string
aws_region string
func main() {
// create a config
aws_config := &aws.Config{
Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, ""),
Region: aws.String(aws_region),
// create the new client with the aws_config passed in
svc, url := worker.NewSQSClient("go-webhook-queue-test", aws_config)
// set the queue url
worker.QueueURL = url
// start the worker
worker.Start(svc, worker.HandlerFunc(func(msg *sqs.Message) error {
return nil
This example will just print the message to Standard out but you could do anything you want with it.
I hope someone will find this useful, In know I've learned a lot by writing it.